ID Grace House UK is not open yet but we have designed this website to give you a taste of how we will be working.
Soon to take possession of a 6-bedroom property in Maidstone, Kent. Opening date June/July. Watch this space!
ID Grace House UK is a project of Imago Dei, set up specifically to offer housing with support and life skills training for women leaving prison in the South East, who may otherwise be homeless and need further resettlement provision. Our aim is to help our residents integrate back into the community well. But more than that, we want to give them hope for a better future.
ID Grace House UK - Hope for a Better Future
A Better Future – for women at Grace House. In our referral prisons, an average of 300 women each year come out of prison homeless. We want to give some of them a safe, comfortable house to stay in and to invest in them through our life skills training and support. Our residents will be able to work towards a better future.
A Better Future – for our communities. The re-offending rate for women is on average 54.5%. By reducing that figure for our residents we get fewer crimes on our streets. It costs around £52,000 per year to keep one woman in prison which puts the re-offending cost to society at almost £72m per year.